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Help Make The Groundbreaking Scientific Bigfoot Documentary Sequel a Reality. Sasquatch: Legend Meets Science II-A New 3-hour Film-That Will Be the Best Documentary on the Sasquatch Subject Ever!    From MonsterQuest Producer – Doug Hajicek, who also produced the original Sasquatch: Legend Meets Science Doc in 2001.   We will embark on a thrilling journey with Legend Meets Science…

Heads Up: Evaluating Bigfootage Plausibility at a Glance

This blog is intended to provide scientific context and theory for Sasquatch as a subfield of natural history and paleoanthropology. I don't want to engage in "debunking" threads or make a habit out of offering opinions on internet "evidence" on the regular, but there is educational value in pointing out…

Cryptozoology is Paleontology’s Dysfunctional Stepsister

Picture this: a young scientist is meticulously poring over piles of plaster in his lab, stroking his beard and sifting through fragmentary evidence trying to determine the validity of a giant creature that may not even exist. Is this early 2000s Jeff Meldrum, or perhaps another Sasquatch researcher digging through…

Movie Recommendation: The Unwonted Sasquatch

This is one of my favorite Bigfoot documentaries. It presents interviews of quality researchers like Dr. Meldrum and Thomas Steenburg without unnecessary dramatic editing and spin. When a statement is made by one of the interviewees, the corresponding evidence / images are immediately shown on screen to give visual aid…

Where are the bones? Ask T. Rex.

The lack of a fossil record for apes in North America is a common hill for many skeptics to plant their flag on, but it is a hill made artificially tall by hindsight biases perpetuated in entertainment and media. Such a position presumes that all species must leave evidence of…

Ethology: The study of evolutionary behavior

Ethology is an underappreciated field of biology that is often overshadowed by the more common 'E' keywords like Evolution, Environment, Ecology, Extinction, so on and so forth. I certainly didn't hear the term until well after college, let alone in a grade school science classroom. As an independent field of…

Happy St. “Patty’s” Day!

We at the Olympic Project would like to pay homage to our own patron saint "Patty" with a pointer to this 2013 paper in RHI by Bill Munns and Jeff Meldrum analyzing the presence of skin folds and body fat on the Patterson-Gimlin Film subject. Here's hoping you all "get…

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